Welcome to MoveAbout Therapy Services

Supporting the people who support the kids

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About Us:

MoveAbout Therapy Services provide individual and group therapy services for children. We also provide parent coaching, training and support.
Our clinicians use the latest in advanced therapeutic techniques and equipment to help improve the health and well-being of children and families.

Recently Added Courses:

A Dynamic Approach to Regulation and Behaviour

Join Dave and some of the MoveAbout team as they discuss the foundations of regulation and behaviour.

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MoveAbout Supervision Sessions

The MoveAbout Team discuss a wide range of topics in their supervision sessions. Join us to learn more!


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Clinician Sessions

Some of the best and brightest minds in the profession join the MoveAbout team to chat about how we can support the people who support the kids.


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On Demand Courses

A range of courses that you can access anytime, anywhere.

Blog Posts



Live courses on a wide range of topics.

Join us to learn how you can support the people who support the kids